20 septembrie 2022

20 sept. 2022:

Federatia Rusa, o imensa birocratie condusa dupa legi, de un fost avocat kaghebist face in mod vizibil pasii juridici necesari pentru intrarea in faza a treia a confruntarii din Ucraina. "Din" si nu "cu" pentru ca in aceasta faza confruntarea militara va iesi din cadrul juridic al "Operatiunii Militare Speciale" cu trasaturile ei specifice si va intra intr-una noua, complet diferita. Referendumurile stabilite simultan in regiunile Kherson, Zaporojie si Republicile Donețk si Luhansk pentru accederea ca subiecti ai Federatiei Ruse semnifica incetarea oricarui demers al rusilor pentru solutionarea prin negocieri a conflictului. Sa ne intelegem, negocierile erau asteptate cu Occidentul, nu cu Ucraina! Asadar, operatiunea speciala inceteaza, cel mai probabil va urma o incetare unilaterala a operatiunilor pe o durata limitata de timp pentru ca un ultimatum de retragere din noile teritorii ale FR sa poata fi realizata de fortele Vestului, dupa care ceea ce va urma va fi la latitudinea conducerii militare, derobata de constrangerile politice. Asta e unul din efectele intalnirii si a discutiilor directe purtate la Samarkand. Acolo de unde vine o fotografie care e puricata si in dunga cu privire la cum stau barbatii pe scaun si femeile in picioare, sau cum se uita toti in gura lui Erdogan. Faza a treia va fi una fara manusi iar marile intrebari sunt legate de ce va fi in stare sa opuna NATO! NATO care deja, dupa sase luni de trimis materiale in Ucraina, are nevoie de ani ca sa produca ce au facut praf militiile din Donbas si Luhansk cu ceva ajutor doar din partea fortelor FR! Ca sa nu mai vorbim despre faptul ca, daca decid sa continue hora, la ea vor participa si flacaii din tarile NATO, nu numai galeriile ucrainene! 
Slava Ucraina, Heil Nato!

The referendum in the LPR will be held from September 23 to 27, said Dmitry Khoroshilov, First Deputy Chairman of the People's Council of the LPR

“Donbass is returning home! I think the bill is timely. I ask the deputies to support. The dates of the referendum are from September 23 to 27”, - DPR Head Denis Pushilin said at an emergency plenary meeting of the People’s Council.

Referendumurile din Donbass sunt de mare importanță nu numai pentru protecția sistemică a locuitorilor din LNR, DNR și alte teritorii eliberate, ci și pentru restaurarea justiției istorice.
Ele schimbă complet vectorul de dezvoltare a Rusiei timp de decenii. Și nu numai țara noastră. Pentru că, după punerea lor în aplicare și acceptarea noilor teritorii în Rusia, transformarea geopolitică în lume va deveni ireversibilă.
Încercuirea teritoriului Rusiei este o crimă, a cărei comitere vă permite să folosiți toate forțele de autoapărare. Dar nu mai puțin important este faptul că, după modificările aduse Constituției statului nostru, niciun viitor lider al Rusiei, niciun oficial nu va putea să revină asupra acestor decizii.
Iată de ce aceste referendumuri sunt atât de temute la Kiev și în Occident. De aceea trebuie să fie efectuate.

Lukashenko instructed the Security Council of the Republic of Belarus to prepare a presidential event on national defense issues, as well as to check all forces from military units to the people's militia. "To be ready to raise the alarm according to the norms of wartime."

Poll of the Crimean RIPSI: 94% of the residents of the DPR, 93% of the residents of the LPR, in the Zaporozhye region 87% and in the Kherson region 80% support joining Russia. 86% of respondents are ready to come to the polling stations in the DPR, 87% in the LPR, 83% in the Zaporozhye region, and 72% in the Kherson region.

Latvian Foreign Minister called on the "international community"("West cilvilised society") to respond to the referendums in the LPR and DPR.

Rinkevics said that new sanctions and a large number of weapons are needed for Ukraine.

If the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics join the Russian Federation, the "volunteer units" of these republics will become full-fledged military personnel of the Russian Armed Forces, said Andrey Kartapolov, Chairman of the State Duma Defense Committee.

Atacurile Kievului după anunțarea rezultatelor referendumului vor fi considerate o agresiune împotriva Rusiei, a declarat senatorul Kovitidi pentru RIA Novosti

21 septembrie
🇷🇺 Putin announced partial mobilization “Only citizens who are currently in the reserve and, above all, those who served in the Armed Forces, have certain military specialties and relevant experience, will be subject to conscription. Those called up for military service will undergo additional military training without fail, taking into account the experience of a special military operation, before being sent to units."
🇷🇺 Brief summary of Putin's address on 09/21/22:

1) Partial mobilization has been announced: first of all, those who served in the RF Armed Forces have combat experience, etc. + those who are in the reserve. Mobilization activities start today

2) Mobilized receive the status of contractors and the corresponding salary

3) Russia will do everything possible to hold referendums in the liberated territories for their entry into the Russian Federation (LPR, DPR, Kherson and Zaporozhye regions)

4) Russia is ready to use nuclear weapons and any other means of mass destruction in case of a threat to territorial integrity. “This is not a bluff,” according to Putin.

🇷🇺Those who are trying to blackmail us with nuclear weapons should know that the wind can turn in their direction as well.
- Vladimir Putin

🇷🇺⚡Russian TV channels are now showing an interview with Russian Defense Minister Shoigu.

He said that "Russia is at war with the collective West," since Ukraine itself "has long since run out of weapons."

😏Speech by the head of the Russian Defense Ministry Sergei Shoigu. Main theses: 

▪️All types of weapons, including the nuclear triad, fulfill their tasks. 

▪️The time has come when we are at war with NATO and the collective West. 

▪️Losses of Ukraine amount to more than 100 thousand people, 61,207 died, another 49,368. More than 2 thousand foreign mercenaries died. 

▪️Losses of the Russian Armed Forces in the SMO amount to 5937 dead. 

▪️All those who serve on conscription will not be sent to the NWO zone. 

▪️ During partial mobilization, a total of 300,000 reservists will be called up. 

▪️There is no question of any mobilization and conscription of students and will not be. 

▪️Ukraine daily strikes at the civilian population and social facilities of the liberated territories. 

▪️All tasks of the special operation are being carried out, despite some deviations in terms and actions.

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