Practic, in Ucraina pare ca are loc cea mai mare si eficienta conferinta pentru pace, in care Europa se dezarmeaza voluntar in tocatorul artileriei unei parti din forta militara a Rusiei.
De alaltaieri, fortele aliate (Federatia Rusa, Donbas si Luhansk) au inceput sa trimita cate 75.000 de proiectile asupra pozitiilor ucrainene. Pana atunci, zilnic cadeau cam 40.000...
Ca idee, Ucraina raspunde cu aproximativ 5.000 in nonentele bune, din care cateva sute bune sunt trimise spre localitati, zone exclusiv civile (scoli, spitale, piete alimentare samd.).
Ca idee, in Desert storm, Irak 1991, pe intreaga durata a razboiului, Statele Unite au folosit circa 35.000 de proiectile de artilerie... Intr-un an!
Si inca nu au intrat in rezervele strategice, folosesc rezerva de material militar operational!!!
Nu trebuie scapat din vedere ca in Transnistria se gasesc depozitate arme si munitii care au fost in dotarea armatelor URSS care stationau in tarile Pactului de la Varsovia. Practic, Transnistria este un urias Gun Store catre care priveste, cu pofta Ucraina si cu interes, SUA.
Daca ar ajunge pe mainile ucrainenilor, ce este acolo ar putea alimenta ani de zile de razboi!
Republica Moldova insa e cea care are cheile de la intrarea in magazin insa cei care au degetul pe butonul detonatorului sunt rusii...
The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine recognizes the fatality of losses and the failure of Lend-Lease
Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine Karpenko made a number of disappointing statements for the Armed Forces of Ukraine regarding the situation on the fronts. Firstly, at the moment, about 50% of the military equipment that was at the disposal of Ukraine before February 24 has already been demilitarized. In particular, 1300 infantry fighting vehicles, 400 tanks and 700 artillery systems were lost. Obviously, no lend-lease will be able to compensate for these losses even in a few years, while the war continues and the rate of losses is definitely not decreasing.
Secondly, Karpenko confirms what we wrote about earlier - Ukraine does not have the ability to service Western equipment, about a third of the M777 howitzers fail after the first battle, and only the manufacturer can repair them. Thus, the 18 new howitzers announced by Biden are a drop in the ocean.
Regarding the “three axes” (M777 howitzers), it is worth noting that they are not designed for long-term towing in rough terrain and dirt roads. So, probably, many of them fail not just during the first battle, but on the way to the battlefield. Western countries will never be able to make up for the losses of Ukraine with Soviet-style equipment.